Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Beep, beep

Nolan likes to use his toy bin as a car - he even rolls down the windows to talk to Mommy and Daddy

Roll over!

At 4 1/2 months, Maya is rolling over like a pro and she's loving it!

Kiss for baby sister

What a blessing - two beautiful children and a big brother who really loves his little sister!

Our cuties

Maya - 19 weeks old

Big girl

Maya was having fun in her big girl chair


Nolan has his "cheese" smile down...we're still working with Maya


PapPap's head is way better than paper


Someone really enjoyed his lentil, carrot and kale soup!

Maya - 18 weeks old

Halloween preview

Nolan's favorite cartoon is Disney's Jake and the Neverland Pirates. We asked him if he'd like to dress up as Jake for Halloween and he agreed. But when the costume arrived and we asked him to put it on he refused. Then we showed him the spyglass and sword (made out of foam) and told him he could only have them if he put on the costume. He immediately responded, "put it on!" and proceeded to wear it for the next few hours - hair and all!

New discovery

Who knew toes could be so much fun?!

PapPap's story time

When Gramma and PapPap babysit, PapPap always reads Nolan his bedtime story. And that's a special thing!

Maya - 17 weeks old